Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 5: 4/6

Hello again everybody! And I'm back, this time to share something from City of Glass. To be honest, I had a  different quote in mind, but when I was flipping through the book, I found a quote that completely surprised me. I'm still in shock. Here it is!

"Clary-" Luke reached for her, but she was already gone. With a sigh, he followed her into the tree's shadow, where she stood transfixed, reading the names of the grandparents and great-grandparents she had never even known she had. ALOYSIUS FAIRCHILD. ADELE FAIRCHILD, B. NIGHTSHADE. GRANVILLE FAIRCHILD. And below all those names: JOCELYN MORGENSTERN, B. FAIRCHILD.

So for those of you who read Clockwork Prince, I bet you can see the reference to the first three names, Aloysius, Adele, and Granville. Well, we know that Granville was Charlotte's father, but I had no idea that Aloysius and Adele were Fairchilds. I mean, they're introduced as Starkweathers, and what are the odds that two people just happen to have this name? Anyways, I can go on and on about this, but I'll stop now. I just love how Cassie connects all this! Don't you guys? Well, until next time! Have a great weekend everyone!

Love always,
The Red Queen

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