Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 54: 12/24

Hey everyone, sorry for such a long absence but winter break has been so busy! Any who, to celebrate these festive times we have 2 presents for you.
Firstly, a awesome picture we found by palnk on deviantart

And secondly a fan-fiction written by our own Red Queen!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
The four Pale Queens 

P.S. We promise to try harder to post more after we get back from break!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 51: 12/21

Hey everyone! Long time no see! So sorry we haven't been updating the blog. Winter break just started and we're all still hella busy! Anyways, I just wanted to share with you something that I painted for my art class:

So what do you think? Yeah it's not much, but it's just a snapshot of Tessa. There's still more that has to be done to it, so I'll upload the full thing when it's done. Until next time!

Love always,
The Red Queen

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 42: 12/12: CP Playlist!

No book has left such a profound impact on me as Clockwork Prince. I've seriously found myself thinking about 24/7 at every minute of every day. In addition, when reading CP, there were some particular songs that I listened to that reminded me of parts of the story. So I would like to share with you some of these songs. I'm not going to tell you what parts, for I will try and keep this as spoiler-free as I can... don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone who hasn't read it! I will have a post in a month or so that explains each of these, but without further ado, here they are!

Rumour Has It/ Someone Like You - Glee cast version

Fix You - Coldplay

For the First Time - The Script

Misery - Maroon 5

Speechless - Lady Gaga

Perfect - P!nk

The One That Got Away - Katy Perry

Good Life - OneRepublic

So what do you all think of these songs? Do you think these remind you of CP? If you have read the book, which songs remind you of which parts? And page numbers only, because we don't want to spoil this for everyone!
Well until next time!

Love always,
The Red Queen

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day Unknown because I'm too Excited!

Hi guys!
It's been a few days since any of us have last posted, and I figured I'd break the spell because i have some news to share that literally has had me excited/distracted/AHHH for hours!

I'm sure many of you know about Mundie Moms. In preparation for CP they were having a countdown with quite a few giveaways, and I entered the giveaway to win a CP audiobook and signed headshots of ED WESTWICK (yes, HIM! aka Mr. Sexy Voice!) and Heather Lind. (They both did the audiobook). That was the grand prize; other prizes included just the audiobook. By some miracle, I won both an audiobook and the headshots! When I got the notification email this morning, I was flipping out- I still am so stoked. I'll make sure to post some pictures once I get the audiobook and pictures in the mail :)

Happy reading!
The Queen of Hearts

Thursday, December 8, 2011

12/8: Day 38: My Spoiler Free Review of "Clockwork Prince"

Wow. That's all I can say. Just wow. Ms. Cassandra Clare, you have truly outdone yourself in another fabulous installment in one of the best series that I have ever read. My heart is still aching upon completing this, and I think I have finally gathered my thoughts to write a review.

Now first, I must start with the setting. I think the main reason why the Infernal Devices series is so appealing is because of the time period – we’re so used to living in our modern times that it’s nice to escape that through this fantasy realm. And Ms. Clare’s writing exemplifies this by making Victorian London come alive through the pages. I literally felt like I was with the characters in every scene and could easily picture everything.

Next, the plot line. If you thought the teasers were overwhelming, wait until the plot. It was so hard to see where Ms. Clare would take us. After one problem would be solved, another would arise. We follow the twisting paths through the book and find answers to the hidden secrets.

And that leads me to Will. I heard that this was Jem’s book, but honestly, I felt it was more of Will. He definitely experiences the greatest character progression – the Will in the beginning is nowhere near the Will in the end. After his secret is revealed, I felt that I should pour my heart and soul into him and help us release this heavy burden. Although Will’s storyline covers a lot of the plot, it is also Jem’s turn to shine. He’s so kind to Tessa and acts as her personal guide through London. However, a darker side to Jem is also revealed, which took me utterly by surprise.

Now for the love triangle. This is the BEST love triangle I have ever read. I’ve always seen love triangles in which the girl is the damsel in distress while two men who despise each other fight over her. However, in Clockwork Prince, this is not the case. The two boys, Will and Jem, are so close; they are parabatai, but they are something more than that. Although they may be polar opposites, their brotherly bond runs deeper through their veins and makes them more like one person. One is mentally broken, while the other is physically so. And Tessa has to be one of my favorite heroines. I generally dislike the main character, but Tessa is an exception to that. She’s so strong-willed, despite everything that she has endured upon arriving in London. No wonder the two boys are smitten by her…

I loved all the other characters, new and old. Charlotte and Henry’s relationship is further explored, and they are soon becoming the sweetest couple. Sophie takes us by surprise in many ways. And Jessamine… oh Jessie… she is pretty much the same old, same old, but is also hiding some sort of secret. That’s all I’m going to say about her. The new characters were very entertaining – I couldn’t get enough of Woolsey Scott. His ephemeral appearance was enough to get me laughing out loud. Oh and Magnus! How could I forget him? Magnus in this book is very different from him in Mortal Instruments. He definitely plays a bigger role, and I was glad to see him appear pretty often.

So, for those of you who haven’t read Clockwork Prince, be prepared for a thrill ride. This is such a page turner that it was so hard to put down. Whenever I couldn’t read it, I couldn’t help thinking about it. I’m still in shock by the ending, especially the last paragraph. There were times when I would be tempted to laugh out loud in public, and I had to control myself. There were other times when I would feel a piece of my heart break. This book actually made me cry, and this never happens. I cannot wait until Clockwork Princess. The wait seems too long that I don’t know how I am going to entertain myself! As for those of you who are wondering what team I’m on, I have to say I hate playing teams. After Clockwork Angel, I was split down the middle. However, after reading CP, I really don’t want to admit that I have chosen a side, but I have. And that is Will. After all he goes through, it’s so hard to not love him, and he has now become my most favorite character in both the series. So far, this has got to be the best Cassandra Clare book out. And for that I give it a five stars!!! And glittery ones of that… Magnus would love that ;)

Love always,
The Red Queen

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/6: Day 36 (The day we have all been waiting for!)

HEY EVERYONE!!!! GAHHH Clockwork Prince is so amazing!!! I am already 175 pages into it. Since tonight is the first night the book is out and I don't want to spoil anything, I wont be posting a quote today. The Queens and I all went to Barnes and Noble together to get the book!! So here is a silly picture of us all getting CP!

Well I need to get back to CP!!!
Yours truly,
The Queen of Spades

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 35: 12/5

And guess who gets the honor of the last post before Clockwork Prince officially comes out? ME!!! :) My fellow Queens have you left with much to think about before it's arrival tomorrow.... and I plan to leave you with a bit more. So, here it is:

Jem seemed to look through her then, as if he were seeing something beyond her, beyond the corridor, beyond the Institute itself. "Whatever you are physically," he said, "male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside." He smiled then, seeming to come back to himself, slightly embarrassed. "That's what I believe."

One of the things I'm most looking forward to from Clockwork Prince is Jem coming into his own, so my last quote is dedicated to him. Leave any last thoughts. AND GET EXCITED TO READ THE BOOK !!!! :)

Much love,
The White Queen

P.S. So long. Farewell. Adieu to all of you.................

Just kidding. Just because Clockwork Prince is here doesn't mean that we're done posting... Look for more to come..... just not necessarily in the next few days. We'll be too busy reading.......:)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 34: 12/4

Hello my lovelies! Sadly, this is my last post before CP comes out. So for this special day, I would love to share with you my most favorite quote from all of Cassie Clare's novels. It's actually not from Clockwork Angel, but rather from City of Glass. Here it is:

Alec glanced toward the mini-forest, the colored lights reflecting in the blue irises of his eyes. Magnus stood in the shadow of a tree, talking to a girl in a white dress with a cloud of pale brown hair. She turned as Magnus looked toward them, and Clary locked eyes with her for a moment across the distance that separated them. There was something familiar about her, though Clary couldn't have said what it was.
Magnus broke away and came toward them, and the girl he'd been talking to slipped into the shadows of the trees and was gone.

I have to say, but this is the greatest unsolved mystery in both TMI and ID combined. So what do you think? What is so familiar about the girl? And who really is Tessa Gray? So many unanswered questions! I hope we get some clearance in CP! Speaking of which, just two more days! And I'll be back soon to write a review about my thoughts on CP :) Until next time!

Love always,
The Red Queen

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 33: 12/3

Clockwork Prince in three days guys! I thought I'd keep my post short and simple, so  I figured it'd be fitting to post the last lines of Clockwork Angel. This particular scene really made me wonder what was going to happen in CP....

"Magnus reached behind himself and locked the parlor door. 'Very well,' he said. 'Why don't you tell me what the problem is?'"

The Queen of Hearts

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 32: 12/2

Hey everyone!!! So this is my last post before the big day :D I'm so ready to read CP, well of course, if my crazy schedule will allow me to. So for tonight's post I will be sharing one of my favorite scenes with Jem and Tessa at the end. Sorry but this is gonna be long :)

"My parents like yours, are dead. So are Will's, and Jessie's, and even Henry's and Charlotte's. I am not sure there is anyone in the Institute who is not an orphan. Otherwise we would not be here"
Tessa opened her mouth, and then closed it again. "I know," she said. "I am sorry. I was being perfectly selfish not to think-"
He held up a slender hand. "I am not blaming you," he said. "Perhaps you are otherwise alone, but so am I. So is Will. So is Jessamine. And even, to an extent, Charlotte and Henry. Where else could Henry have his laboratory? Where else would Charlotte be allowed to put her brilliant mind to work the way she can here? And though Jessamine pretends to hate everything, and Will would never admit to needing anything, they have both made homes for themselves here. In a way, we are not here just because we have nowhere else; we need nowhere else, because we have the Institute, and those are in it are our family."
"But not my family"
"They could be," said Jem. "When I first came here, I was twelve years old. It most decidedly did not feel like home to me then. I saw only how London was not like Shanghai, and I was homesick. So Will went down to a shop in the East End and bought me this." He drew out the chain that hing around his neck, and Tessa saw that the flash of green she'd noticed before was a green stone pendant in the shape of a closed hand. "I think he liked it because it reminded him of a fist. But it was jade, and he knew jade came from China, so he brought it back to me and I hing it on a chain to wear it. I still wear it."
The mention of Will made Tessa's heart contract. "I suppose it is good to know he can be kind sometimes."
Jem looked at her with keen silver eyes. "When I came in-that look on your face-it wasn't just because of what you read in the Codex, was it? It was about Will. What did he say to you?"
Tessa hesitated. "He made it very clear that he didn't want me here," she said at last. "That my remaining at the Institute is not the happy chance I thought it was. Not in his view."
"And after I just finished telling you why you should consider him family," Jem said, a bit ruefully. "No wonder you looked like I just told you something awful had happened."
"I'm sorry," Tessa whispered.
"Don't be. It's Will who ought to be sorry." Jem's eyes darkened. "We shall throw him out onto the streets," he proclaimed. "I promise you he'll be gone by morning."
Tessa started and sat upright. "Oh-no, you can't mean that-"
He grinned. "Of course I don't. But you felt better fir a moment there, didn't you?"
"It was like a beautiful dream," Tessa said gravely, but she smiled when she said it, which surprised her.
"Will is...difficult," Jem said. "But family is difficult. If I didn't think the Institute was the best place for you, Tessa, I would not say that it was. And one can build one's own family. I know you feel inhuman, and as if you are set apart, away from life and love but..." his voice cracked a little, the first time Tessa had heard him sound unsure. He cleared his throat. "I promise you, the right man won't care."

I love Jem!! And Will, but I am so excited to see what happens!!!
Yours truly,
The Queen of Spades

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 30: 11/30

Wow are we already at Day 30? Time just flies doesn't it!? And Clockwork Prince is literally right around the corner! So, to celebrate that we are getting super close to the release date, I have decided to share one of the tenderest moments of the book:

She turned, but Jem had already appeared at her side, and he pushed the window open. As the dark shape fluttered inside, it flew straight for Tessa. She raised her hands and caught it out of the air, feeling the sharp metal wings flutter against her palms. As she held it, they closed, and its eyes closed too. Once more, its metal sword quietly, as if waiting to be wakened again. Tick-tick went against her fingers.
Jem turned from the open window, the wind ruffling his hair. In the yellow light, it shone like white gold. "What is it?"
Tessa smiled. "My angel," she said.

I absolutely love this quote, and how Cassie Clare relates the angel necklace to the title. I heard she does the same in CP. So what are your thoughts? What do you think the "clockwork prince" could be? Until next time!

Love always,
The Red Queen

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 29: 11/29

A thought hit me today after reading some stuff on the Mortal Instruments movies: what about Infernal Devices??? And then of course I had to pick my perfect cast.... and then I realized I had no idea who to pick for Will or Jem because all the guy actors I like are much too old for the part.... and then I also realized I had no clue who to pick for Tessa as well, because, well, the same problem.... Anyway, here are some photos of actors I found who I kind of liked, but please COMMENT! I'd love to put together a perfect cast....

Diego Boneta: He's a Latin singer-turned- actor who's surprisingly good....

I know he looks a bit old in this photo, but he was born in 1990; no worries :)

Alex Pettyfer: You really can't go wrong with Alex Pettyfer in my opinion... I really wish he had been cast as Jace for MI, but no worries because now I can add him here :D Yeah, there have been some weird rumors about him being rude, psychotic, etc. but I don't believe everything I read, AND I think he's a good actor.
Here's a more model-ish photo of him....

Ben Barnes: Ben Barnes was really the only person I could think of for this role.... Even though I think Ben is perfectly good as Will material, I also think that he has the ability to portray many Jem-ish qualities...

I just wanted to add this photo because i think he looks A LOT like Fabio in this pic..

Meaghan Martin: I like Meaghan Martin because even though she looks like she might be a barbie doll, she's a very versatile actress.... I loved her in 10 Things I Hate About You, and Mean Girls 2, which I only watched because she was in it...

Any thoughts??? PLEASE POST! It would be fun to see what people put down :) Also, if you guys have any ideas for Charlotte, Jessamine, etc, put them down!

The Queen of Hearts

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 28: 11/28

Hey everyone!!! I'm getting so excited, CP is coming out so soon!!! I have decided that for today, that my quote will be a nice and simple one that shows one of the many great interactions between the main characters. I hope you enjoy :)

"But the books are all behind bars!" she said. "Like a literary sort of prison!"
Will grinned. "Some of these books bite," he said. "It's wise to be careful."
"One must be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."
"I'm not sure a book has ever changed me," said Will. "Well there is one volume that promised to teach one how to turn oneself into an entire flock of sheep-"
"Only the weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry," said Tessa, determined not to let him run wildly off with the conversation. 
"Of course, why one would want to be an entire flock of sheep is another matter entirely," Will finished. 

Yours truly,
The Queen of Spades

Day 27: 11/27

With Clockwork Prince's release looming closer, I thought I'd (again) take a break from the Clockwork Angel chatter and post something from City of Lost Souls, the fourth book in the Mortal Instruments series. For those of you who haven't read the Mortal Instruments series (also by Cassie Clare), I definitely would check them out, especially if you're a fan of Infernal Devices because a) it's fun to see how the past and future of the Shadowhunter world connect and b) there are many intriguing characters. Personally, I like Mortal Instruments mostly better because of the sort of fighting and battles, the dashing yet badass Jace, Simon, Isabelle, and all the others. I just find them more fun to read about. Anyway, here's a CoLS teaser; it's kind of long, but it certainly made me even more excited for CoLS's release this May:

“Alec isn’t happy,” said Magnus, as if she hadn’t spoken.
“Of course he isn’t,” Isabelle snapped. “Jace —”
“Jace,” said Magnus, and his hands made fists at his sides. Isabelle stared at him. She had always thought that he didn’t mind Jace; liked him, even, once the question of Alec’s affections had been settled. Out loud, she said:
“I thought you were friends.”
“It’s not that,” said Magnus. “There are some people — people the universe seems to have singled out for special destinies. Special favors and special torments. God knows we’re all drawn toward what’s beautiful and broken; I have been, but some people cannot be fixed. Or if they can be, it’s only by love and sacrifice so great it destroys the giver.”
Isabelle shook her head slowly. “You’ve lost me. Jace is our brother, but for Alec — he’s Jace’s parabatai too —”
“I know about parabatai,” said Magnus, his voice rising in pitch. “I’ve known parabatai so close they were almost the same person; do you know what happens, when one of them dies, to the one that’s left —”
“Stop it!” Isabelle clapped her hands over her ears, then lowered them slowly. “How dare you, Magnus Bane,” she said. “How dare you make this worse than it is —”
“Isabelle.” Magnus’ hands loosened; he looked a little wide-eyed, as if his outburst had startled even him. “I am sorry. I forget, sometimes . . . that with all your self-control and strength, you possess the same vulnerability that Alec does.”
“There is nothing weak about Alec,” said Isabelle.
“No,” said Magnus. “To love as you choose, that takes strength. The thing is, I wanted you here for him. There are things I can’t do for him, can’t give him . . .” For a moment Magnus looked oddly vulnerable. “You have known Jace as long as he has. You can give him understanding I can’t. And he loves you.”
“Of course he loves me. I’m his sister.”
“Blood isn’t love,” said Magnus, and his voice was bitter. “Just ask Clary.”

What do you think? Mortal Instruments or Infernal Devices? Tessa or Clary? Jace or Will?
The Queen of Hearts

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 26: 11/26

Hey y'all! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving and hopefully didn't get too burnt out on Black Friday. And yes, Queen of Spades, you are totally forgiven. Now onto the quote!

Tessa waited, but Camille's inner voice was silent. Why? She fought down panic and managed to smile at de Quincey. "My dreams," she said, and hoped he would think the hoarseness in her voice was from amusement and not fear, "may be more wild already than you imagine."
Beside her, she could tell that Will had shot her a surprised look; he quickly schooled his features to blandness, though, and glanced away. De Quincey, his eyes gleaming, only smiled.

Tessa's wit is so clever! I just admire this sharp comment she retorts back to de Quincey, despite her fears- shows how strong of a heroine she is. What are your thoughts?

Love always,
The Red Queen

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 25: 11/25

Hey Everyone, Happy belated Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday!!! I just got home from a fantastic Thanksgiving night, and sadly it went longer then expected so I have technically missed my day.....hopefully the other Queens can forgive me, since I haven't posted in a while. But the Queen of Spades is back, and in honor of Thanksgiving, here is favorite quote. It isn't much but I believe it is amazing. 

"You mean that I shouldn't be wring my heart out over some boy who will never care for me-"
"No!" Sophie said. "There are worse things than that. It's alright to love someone who doesn't love you back, as long as they're worth you loving them. As long as they deserve it."

I love Sophie so much, and I'm super excited to see how she grows further in CP. 
Yours Truly, 
The Queen of Spades 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 23: 11/23

And guess who is back.... The most forgetful, MIA member of our blogging.... quadrio? No, quartet. That's the word. Anyway, time's a tickin and Clorkwork Prince is only two weeks plus two nights away. WHO ELSE IS EXCITED?! :) Soo, this is the first time I've actually had a tough time choosing a quote, usually I just flip and bam there's a great quote. But, I found one. I wanted to introduce one of my personal favorites, Magnus Bane. Even more interesting is our favorite warlock's little interpretation of Will. Take a look:

"Really." Magus looked at boy the more closely. Will was beautiful; Magnus had been in love many times throughout the years, and normally beauty of any sort moved him, but Will's never had. There was something dark about the boy, something hidden and strange that was hard to admire. He seemed to show nothing real to the world. Yet now, under his dripping black hair, he was as white as parchment, his hands clenched at his sides so tightly that they were shaking. It was seemed clear that some terrible turmoil was ripping him apart form the inside out.

Magnus reached behind himself and locked the parlor door. "Very well," he said. "Why don't you tell me what the problem is?"

I just love how Cassie Clare describes Will here. She doesn't paint him as good or bad, he just is. On a side note, I realize that my last two quotes have been about Will, perhaps I'm a little biased. But, I love Jem, too, don't worry. Thoughts, everyone?

Much love,

The White Queen

P.S. Here's the perfect song for Magnus:

Don't you agree? :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 22: 11/22

Hi everyone! Can you believe that Clockwork Prince is only two weeks away!! It feels like only yesterday I started reading Clockwork Angel. Anyways, to cherish this moment that CP is coming so fast, I would love to share a humourous quote between the trio:

Jem and Will had set up camp on one of the long tables in the back of the library, ostensibly to help and advise her, but more likely, it seemed, to mock and be amused by her consternation. "You point your feet out too much when you walk," Will went on. He was busy polishing an apple on his shirtfront, and appeared not to notice Tessa glaring at him. "Camille walks delicately. Like a faun in the woods. Not like a duck."
"I do not walk like a duck."
"I like ducks," Jem observed diplomatically. "Especially the ones in Hyde Park." He glanced sideways at Will; both boys were sitting on the edge of the high table, their legs dangling over the side. "Remember when you tried to convince me to feed a poultry pie to the mallards in the park to see if you could breed a race of cannibal ducks?"
"They ate it too," Will reminisced. "Bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck."
"Do you mind?" Tessa demanded. "If you're not going to help me, you might as well both leave. I didn't let you stay here so that I could listen to you nattering on about ducks."
"Your impatience," said Will, "is most unladylike." He grinned at her around the apple.

Ahhhh attack of the cannibalistic ducks! So what did you think? I can't wait to see how the relationship further develops between the three of them in CP! Before I say goodbye, I would love to share with you a great depiction of the three of them from one of my favorite fanartists on deviantART, kara-lija:

So, how do you like? I absolutely adore this one! Well until next time!

Love always,
The Red Queen

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 21: 11/21

Well hello again! While I want to post a bit from Clockwork Angel, I also wanted to share with you guys a new series of books I discovered, well.....two days ago.

For those of you who like Cassie Clare and fantasy in general, I would definitely suggest you check out Andrea Cremer's Nightshade series. It's about a girl named Calla, who also happens to be part "wolf"; in fact she is an alpha female, and basically the story involves a lot of fighting evil, romance, gripping scenes etc...

 Okay, I know, it sounds REALLY borderline over the top, but it's a very well written series,- it's not like this girl is a wolf all the time, she's still a 17 something year old with normal (ish) problems... Anyway, I enjoyed it, which is saying something; normally I can't handle too much fantasy/ sci-fi , but these books weren't written in a mad sort of way, plus the action and romance were great. I happened to get my hand on an ARC of Bloodrose, the third in the Nightshade series, and it was BRILLIANT. Well, so far it is.... I haven't actually finished it due to this thing called homework, but seriously...

Alright, finally here's a quote from Clockwork Angel:

"Tess," he said, his voice thick and soft with desire, and she leaned toward him, swaying like a tree whose branches were weighted by snow. Her whole body ached; she ached, as if there were a terrible emptiness inside her..."

So, have you read any of the Nightshade series? What'd you think? Any thoughts on it even if you haven't? Also, only 13 more days till Clockwork Prince is released!

The Queen of Hearts 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 18: 11/18

Hey everyone! Before I give my quote, I would like to give a special applause for Tsiishch'ii, R.C.L., and K.V. Campanella. Thanks for supporting our blog so much! Without you, I don't know how motivated we would be to update this blog :D

Anyways, for today's quote, it's Jem's turn to shine. This is one of my most favorite quotes, or should I say passages, but it's a tad bit long. Here it is!

Will slid Jem's sleeve down, covering the Marks he had made. As he returned his stele to his pocket, Jem stood looking up at him; their faces were pale smudges in the torchlight. Tessa raised her hand, then lowered it slowly. What was it he had said? Shadowhunters don't say good-bye, not before a battle. Or good luck. You must behave as if return is certain, not a matter of chance.

The boys, as if alerted by her gesture, looked up toward her. She thought she could see the blue of Will's eyes, even from where she stood. He wore a strange look as their eyes locked, the look of someone who has just woken up and wonders if what they are looking at is real or a dream.

It was Jem who broke away and ran up the stairs to her. As he reached her, she saw that he had high color in his face, and his eyes were bright and hot. She wondered how much of the drug Will had let him take, so that he would be ready to fight.

"Tessa-," he said.

"I didn't mean to say good-bye," she said quickly. "But- it seems so odd to let you leave without saying anything at all."

He looked at her curiously. He did something that surprised her then, and took her hand, turning it over. She looked down at it, at her bitten fingernails, the still-healing scratches along the backs of her fingers.

He kissed the back of it, just a light touch of his mouth, and his hair- as soft and light as silk- brushed her wrist as he lowered his head. She felt a shock go through her, strong enough to startle her, and she stood speechless as he straightened, his mouth curving into a smile.

"Mizpah," he said.

She blinked at him, a little dazed. "What?"

"A sort of good-bye without saying good-bye," he said. "It is a reference to a passage in the Bible. 'And Mizpah, for he said, the Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another."

There was no chance for Tessa to say anything in response, for he had turned and run down the steps to join Will, who was as motionless as a statue, his face upturned, at the foot of the steps. His hands, sheathed in black gloves, were in fists at his sides, Tessa thought. But perhaps it was a trick of the light, for when Jem reached him and touched him on the shoulder, he turned with a laugh, and without another look at Tessa, he swung up into the driver's seat, Jem following him...

So what do you think? Sorry if it was so excruciatingly long, but I enjoy each and every word of this particular passage. I remember Cassie Clare saying that she may write this through Jem's perspective, and that would be very interesting... Although, I would love to see Will's view and his thoughts between the Jem Tessa (Jessa, Tem, whatever you want to call it) interaction. Now, to conclude, I'm going to leave you with one question that's been asked multiple times, but I sincerely want to know what you think. Team Will or Team Jem?

Love always,
The Red Queen

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 17: 11/17

Oh my, it's been quite a while since my last post !(I was having wisdom teeth complications. Not. Fun.) Anywho, I know there's a lot of chatter about Team Jem, Team Will, and Team I Don't Know, but I think I can with certainty say that I am Team Will all the way! Jem is too.... muted I suppose? Will is hilarious and outspoken, and I like that!

Here's a tidbit from Clockwork Angel when Will is first showing Tessa around:

"Perhaps he's [Thomas] in love with Agatha,' she said.
"I hope not. I intend to marry Agatha myself. She may be a thousand years old, but she makes an incomparable jam tart. Beauty fades, but cooking is eternal;"

What do you think? Are you Team Will, Team Jem, or undecided? Comments please!
The Queen of Hearts

P.S. Some more audiobook news: Cassie Clare already tweeted this photo of Ed Westwick in the studio recording Clockwork Prince a few days ago, but I thought I'd share :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 16: 11/16

Hey everyone!!! Today is a dark, gloomy and rainy day here in the land of the four pale queens, which is quite normal actually, and rain always makes me think philosophically. So for my quote today I have chosen one of Jem's many philosophical moments.

Jem seemed to look through her then, as if he was seeing something beyond her, beyond the corridor, beyond the Institute itself. "Whatever you are physically," he said, "male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy-all of those things matter less then what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside." He smiled then, seeming to have come back to himself, slightly embarrassed. "That's what I believe."

I hope you enjoy

Yours Truly,
The Queen of Spades

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 15: 11/15

Thanks to Madame Red Queen, I make an appearance once again. Really gotta give her props for her devotion to posting! And I will get better at it, I will..... eventually. It's morning and I'm tired, so how about some Will and Tessa smut, yea? Here's your early morning bite of CA for the day:

"In that case," Tessa said. "I think I would prefere it if you called me by my Christian name, as you do with Miss Lovelace."
Will looked at her, slow and hard, and then smiled. His blue eyes lit when he smiled. "Then you must do the same for me," he said. "Tessa."
She had never thought about her name much before, but when he said it, it was as if she were hearing it for the first time--the hard T, the caress of the double S, the way it seemed to end of a breath. Her own breath was very short when she said, softly, "Will."

Well, Will sure has gotten to Tessa..... but come on, what girl could resist him? He's Will. And always the questions comes up, Team Will and Jem? I personally like my fill of both :)

Much love,

The White Queen

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 14: 11/14

Hola mis amigos! Well, today's not really a special day or anything, but how about we spice things up with a little bit of action? This quote takes place in the midst of the bloody battle at de Quincey's place:

De Quincey, on his knees, stared from Will to the ugly red hole in his own arm, which was already beginning to close up, though dark blood still trickled from it thinly. "For that," he said, "you will die, Nephilim."
Will spread his arms wide. On his knees, grinning like a demon, blood dripping from his mouth, he barely looked human himself. "Come and get me."

The last bit about the savageness of Will reflects his strange manner, of finding amusement within the darkest things. What are your thoughts? What is so dark on Will?

Well that's all I've got for tonight!

Love always,
The Red Queen

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11: 11/11

Hey everyone! It's 11/11/11 and this is the 11th post!!! In honor of this most special of days I have picked one of my all time favorite quotes from the end of the book. These is the scene after Tessa tricks the Magister into thinking she is dead, and Will realizes that Tessa is actually alive.

She looked up at him with a smile. The smile broke what was left of his resistance-shattered it. He had let the walls down when he'd thought she was gone, and there was no time to build them back up. Helplessly he pulled her against him. For a moment she clung to him tightly, warm and alive in his arms. Her hair brushed his cheek. The color had come back into the world; he could breathe again, and for that moment he breathed her in-she smelled of salt, blood, tears, and Tessa. 

I love this quote so much, and how it shows Will's true self and his love for Tessa. I'm so excited for more in CP! And finding out why Will has all of these walls?

Yours truly,
The Queen of Spades

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 10: 11/10

So, since the Queen of Hearts is MIA, the Red Queen is back! Just couldn't get enough of me, huh? ;)
I decided to keep it short and sweet, so here is one discreet quote that I thoroughly enjoy... I hope the rest of you agree with me!

Gently Charlotte patted Tessa's shoulder; Tessa almost jumped at the contact. It had been a long time, she thought, since anyone had touched her in such a motherly fashion; she thought of Aunt Harriet, and her throat hurt.
"And now it is time to wake up."

I adore the relationship between Tessa and Charlotte... Charlotte is more of a mother to Tessa than an older sister. Do you agree? I can't wait to see what happens to Charlotte in CP! Well now I gotta go so toodles!

Love always,
The Red Queen

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 8: 11/8

And the White Queen is back with a sheepish apology for not being able to post on the day that matches her lucky number (sorry, #7). Although it may not be an obvious favorite, the following quote has always been one my personal favorites:

Tessa moved toward the open door that led to the corridor--and strong hands seized her and yanked her backward. Tessa shrieked  and twisted,  but the hands circling her upper arms were as strong as iron. She turned her head to the side and sank her teeth into the hand gripping her left arm. Someone yelled and let go of her; spinning, she saw a tall man with a shock of untidy ginger hair staring at her with a reproachful expression, his bleeding left hand cradled against his chest. 'Will!' he shouted, 'Will, she bit me!'  'Did she, Henry?'

Oh, Tessa, you fiesty one! Gotta love a girl who can bite. ;)

Much love,

The White Queen

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 6: 11/6

Why, hello again everyone! Guess what!?! Oh yeah, Clockwork Prince comes out in exactly a month!!!!! I'm so excited! For today, I wanted to post one of my favorite quotes. This is the scene where Jem takes Tessa to Blackfriars Bridge to show her his favorite spot in the city. I love this scene since you get to see what Shadowhunters and Jem are like, and of course the first blossoms of the Jem Tessa relationship. 

"Almost the first thing I realized when I came here was that my father never thought of himself as British, not the way an Englishman would. Real Englishmen are British first, and gentlemen second. Whatever else it is they might be-a doctor, a magistrate or landowner-comes third. For Shadowhunters it's different. We are Nephilim, first and foremost, and only after that do we make a nod to whatever country we might have been born and bred in. And as for third, there is no third. We are only ever Shadowhunters. When other Nephilim look at me, they see only a Shadowhunter. Not like mundanes, who look at me and see a boy who is not entirely foreign but not quite like them either."
"Half one thing and half another," Tessa said. "Like me. But you know you're human."
Jem's expression softened. "As are you. In all the ways that matter." 

I'm not saying that I am team Jem, or team Will. Honestly I love them both so much that I can't choose between them, they are both soooooooo great in there own ways. 

Now sadly I can't think of any video that you go with this. But maybe for next time? 

Yours truly,
The Queen of Spades 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 5: 11/5

Hello everyone! The Red Queen is back in action! Before I start, I am tempted to post a YouTube video like all my fellow queens did. This one reminds me of the masquarade ball that we await to happen in Clockwork Prince. Now, I have not read it, and thinking of what may happen in that part of the book makes me recall this particular scene from Phantom of the Opera. Here it is and enjoy!

And now, without further ado, here's one of my favorite quotes from Clockwork Angel. It just makes me crack up every single time:

Gabriel's face darkened. "Is there anything that isn't a joke to you?"
"Nothing that comes to mind."
"You know," Gabriel said, "there was a time I thought we could be friends, Will."
"There was a time I thought I was a ferret," Will said, "but that turned out to be the opium haze. Did you know it had that effect. Because I didn't."

I absolutely adore the animosity between Will and Gabriel. Who ever thought a Lightwood and a Herondale could be absolute enemies? Or better yet, who would ever expect them to eventually become Parabatai in the near future? Anyways, what are your thoughts on their relation? And Will's sarcasm can be dark and demeaning... any ideas on what his deep secret is? Or should I say, possibly his curse?

Well until next time!!

The Red Queen :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 4: 11/4

Well hello! It looks like it's my turn to write on all this excitement over Clockwork Prince. I AM INCREDIBLY PUMPED. I became even more excited when I heard that Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl) would be reading Clockwork Prince for the audiobook. He also read for City of Fallen Angels. Yes, that's right, THE Ed Westwick, you know the one with the sexy accent. I have never used an audiobook before, but with him in it, I'm seriously considering buying. Here's an excerpt of him reading City of Fallen Angels at the very beginning when Simon reflects on all that has happened. Warning: Prepare for major swoon.

Also, I wanted to share one of my favorite parts from Clockwork Angel between Tessa and Will. It made me want Clockwork Prince to come out so much faster. It's told from Will's perspective, and the whole version is available online at

You never laugh,” she was saying. “You behave as if everything is funny to you, but you never laugh. Sometimes you smile when you think no one is paying attention.”
He wanted to close his eyes. Her words went through him like the clean slice of a seraph blade, lighting his nerves on fire. He’d had no idea she had observed him so closely, or so accurately. “You,” he replied. “You make me laugh. From the moment you hit me with that bottle. Not to mention the way that you always correct me. With that funny look on your face when you do it. And the way you shouted at Gabriel Lightwood. And even the way you talked back to de Quincey. You make me . . .”
His voice trailed off. He could feel the cold water trickling down his back, over his chest, against his heated skin. 
XXX The Queen of Hearts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3: 11/3

Hey everyone! This is my first impression on this blog, so let's make it a good one, shall we. One thing I want to put out there: I, for one, am absolutely in love with Will and Jem's bromance. Hence, I figured it would fitting to deviate from the original Clockwork Angel and toast their bromance with the following quote from Will's perspective:

Jem. Jem had given up on understanding him long ago, Will thought. Jem was a study in how you could love someone entirely without understanding them at all. But most people were not Jem

If you've been keeping up with all that Infernal Devices and all that is Cassandra Clare, you should know very well where this is from. If not, I'll let you find our for yourself ;)

Also, I'm going to make a tribute to my love for music with three variations of the the wonderful holiday song 'Carol to the Bells' that epitomize Will, Tessa, and Jem.

Let's begin with the voice of the quote above (Will):

This is rather intense version of this normally sweet song, but that's why I think it's very Will.

And for second member of the bromance:

Now for our heroine:

This is rather long post, but I'll leave it at that. Comment below on your thoughts on the quote or the songs, or, better yet, both.

Much love,

The White Queen

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2: 11/2

Hey everyone! I believe that since we are so early on in our relationship, it is only right that we get acquainted better. So for my first quote, here is the introduction of one of my favorite characters:

But that wasn't what made her stare. He had the most beautiful face she had ever seen. Tangled black hair and eyes like blue glass. Elegant cheekbones, a full mouth, and long, thick lashes. Even the curve of his throat was perfect. He looked like every fictional hero she'd ever conjured up in her head. Although she'd never imagined one of them cursing at her while shaking his bleeding hand in an accusing fashion.

Feel free to comment, and please pass on the word of our site! See you all tomorrow!

~ The Queen of Spades

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1: 11/1

Hello all and welcome to our first official post! Now to kick off the excitement, I, the Red Queen, have chosen a quote from Clockwork Angel that summarizes the title of our blog, as well as the strong relationship between two amazing characters in the book. Here it is:

Then came Jem, and then Will, looking like two chess pieces from some odd game, both Jem's silver hair and Will's tangled black locks set off by the pallor of their clothes. White Knight and Black Knight, Tessa thought as they went up the steps and vanished into the Institute.

Well there you have it! The first quote! Share with us what you think about this. We'll have another quote for tomorrow!

~ The Red Queen

Welcome to Our Blog!

Hello my lovelies! Welcome to our blog, dedicated mostly to our obsession with the amazing Cassandra Clare's work! Now you're all probably wondering why we are blogging now when Clockwork Prince is right around the corner. Well to get into the spirit of course! As of now, there are thirty-four more days until the novel comes out, and we just couldn't contain our excitement. As a result, we are going to be blogging a quote a day from the fabulous Clockwork Angel. However, we cannot do this alone. We need your help to keep the ball rolling and share with us your thoughts on the quotes and possibly any predictions for Clockwork Prince. Don't be shy! There is no right or wrong! We just want you to have fun as the anticipation builds up for this book!

The Four Pale Queens