Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 11: 4/12

Hello everyone:) I hope all of you guys have read City of Fallen Angels because this blog entry will contain spoilers! ;) Anyways, I'm currently reading City of Fallen Angels, and I have to say that it's not the best book in the series. However, I did find a funny scene when Simon's little secret gets out ;) This made me appreciate Simon's character a lot more because it made him more amusing because before I always thought of Simon as annoying!

Here is the scene: "I'm really sorry," Simon said. He felt more panicked..."I should have told you guys. It's just - I really like you both, and I didn't want to hurt either of your feelings." The moment it was out of his mouth, he realized how stupid he sounded. Just another jerkish guy making excuses for his jerk behavior. Simon never thought of himself like that. He was a nice guy, the kind of guy who got overlooked, passed up for the sexy bad boy or the tortured artist type. For the self-involved kind of guy who would think nothing of dating two girls at once while maybe not exactly while lying about what he was doing, but not telling the truth about it either. "Wow," he said, mostly to himself. "I am a huge asshole." "That's probably the first true thing you've said since I got here," Maia said. "Amen," said Isabelle. "Though if you ask me, it's too little too late-" 

Poor Simon for his heart being torn between two lovely ladies.... </3
In my opinion, I actually prefer Maia and Simon together. I want to hear your opinion as well! :)

Love always, The White Queen   (Белая Королева) ( 白い王女)

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